Tuesday, October 26, 2010

And they're off!

I must say that the actual "goodbye" was even harder than I'd even anticipated...I had dreaded Friday for a long time and awoke that morning with a big knot in my tummy, knowing I'd see some of my favorite faces for the last time for a long while... But God is GOOD ALL THE TIME, and allowed the day to be perfectly hectic so that there really wasn't that much time to stand around and cry our heads off (though we tried)...so it was rather short and sweet painful :) Anyways, they are off on the first leg of their long journey where they have stayed several days in London (Rich's homeland :)) and are L-O-V-I-N-G it! Make sure you stay in touch with them HERE...Court will be keeping us all updated on their adventures from here on out. Oh how we all miss them already, but feel so peaceful that God has called them to His greater plans...and here are a few pics I stole from her blog of some of mine and Rich's favorite spots in London...

Big Ben...so cool up close!

Trafalgar Square...Rich and I had fun taking crazy pics there, too!

Ah the REAL English pubs where you can get REAL Fish-n-chips...wrapped in newspaper! Yum Yum...

I am already wishing I were with them, too.... :)

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