Sunday, November 29, 2009

O Come Let Us Adore Him...

I have always loved Christmas...every single bit of it! I am one of those people who wants to put my Christmas tree up before the Thanksgiving dishes are cleared away...and who refuses to take down lights until I receive a notice from the neighborhood association! I love how masses of a typically selfish society come out of hiding at this time of year to find gifts for others... and how they tend to smile at each other more, in passing.I love how "Merry Christmas" seems to roll of your tongue for a few short weeks each year... and how those two words create smiles and kinship even among strangers. I love all of the hustle and bustle and glitter and gifts... But most of all, I love that at one time of year, the WORLD remembers the first gift, Jesus Christ. At a time in history that is so fast-paced and diverse and politically correct--- His creation still celebrates one moment in time, where God loved us so much that He sent His Son to save us. After having a baby this year, Christmas feels a little different for me. I understand how much Mary loved her baby boy...and I can imagine the events of that first that Christmas night with more understanding. How amazing that God chose to enter our world in the humble way that He did...with animals and shepherds and angels as His only "visitors".

I pray that during this "season", which is already in full swing, we will slow down and make a point celebrate the real "Reason" for all of this busy-ness. With each gift we give and recieve, may we be thankful for God's gift to us.

O come, let us adore Him.

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