Thursday, November 26, 2009

1st Sleepover...

So I usually put Shaelyn Jade down around 7:30 pm...then I feed her one more time before I go to bed. This night, when I went back in, I found that my little lady had invited an extra friend into the crib with her...

She is really starting to take an interest in our cats, Clive Staples and Indie, and shrills with excitement when they are near her. By the looks of it, these two had some fun before they sacked out together...


  1. Dana,
    What a sweet family you have! I was so glad to find your blog. I remember you when you were just a wee tot, yourself. And now you are grown up with a babe of your own. Congratulations, sweet girl! I want to come to Franklin with your grandmother (Peggy) to see you all.
