Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome To The Piney...

There is a little known spot on this earth, not too far away...and those who hang their hats here endearingly call it "The Piney".

When you arrive at this quaint cottage, you may be greeted by this sweet face...

... And if a house could have a soul, these two would be kindred spirits- for this home is as warm and inviting as its owner!

Its the sort of place where you feel comfortable to curl up like this... to this...

...where all the door knobs look like this...

Every nook and cranny has the exquisite touch of an interior designer who knows that the very best that life has to offer is simple...


...sometimes worn...

...always cozy...

...appreciative of times past....

....and always giving credit where credit is due.

At The Piney, you may find yourself sipping from these...

... served on table cloths of lace...

...making friends with other residents you may never have befriended before...

And if you stay (because you're always welcome to do so at The Piney), this will be your room...

When you go, you will always take with you words of wisdom...

...a gift of some sort(because the owner is very giving)...

...and a very full belly!

And as you pull away- no matter long your stay at The Piney- you will feel as though you've been HOME all along.

Trust me. I spent the day there today. And I feel rested and peaceful tonight.

Thank you, Aunt Jeana, for the most perfect breath of Spring that my soul needed today. Love you!


  1. Okay, this is another Dickson day adventure that sounds just too good to be true! When am I scheduled to go?

  2. you have made it all sound so very special,Dana. thank you.
    it was for me too....

  3. What a sweet post. And oh, so true. To be in a home filled with love is a precious thing!

  4. Hi, Dana,
    I've been to The Piney and it's as lovely as you describe. I think I'm about due for another visit there. I love your Aunt Jeana!
